Synod is the governing body of the Diocese of Rupert's Land as established in its constitution and canons (laws). Its members consist of lay and clergy representatives from each church as well as the bishop and the various officers of the Diocese, (Chancellor, Treasurer, etc.). Synod meets every other year to recieve reports from various diocesan committees and programs, as well as the bishop's charge, which provides a vision and direction for the diocese.
Synod has the authority to amend the constitution and canons, as well as the duty to approve the diocesan budget and pass a wide range of programs, policies and actions. It also elects the members of Diocesan Council, a body which meets in-between synods to carry on the work of Synod, as well as delegates to the ecclesiatical provincial and general synods. In the event of the retirement or loss of the bishop, a special synod is convened to elect a replacement. While a synods deal with much in the way of business of the diocese, this takes place in the midst of worship, study, fellowship and reflection on the gospel.