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MARCH 13, 2025



The Bishop Search Committee is close to completing work on the Diocesan Profile which will be made available near the last week in March.  Once the Diocesan Profile has been made public, nominations from Members of Synod of the Diocese of Rupert’s Land and from the Provincial House of Bishops of the Province of Northern Lights and from the Search Committee will be able to be received until April 25.


The Diocesan Profile contains the results of consultations with the clergy of the four archdeaconries, the archdeacons, Diocesan Council, committees and ministry groups within the diocese, and a comprehensive survey which was online at the diocesan website and available to all members of the diocese.


Unlike a parish parochial committee, the Bishop Search committee does not select, nor recommend, who they might wish to be bishop.  The role of the Bishop Search Committee is to consult the diocese and develop a profile.  Once nominations are submitted the Search Committee certifies that the nominees meet the canonical requirements (section 6.2 of the Constitution of the Province of Northern Lights). 


If all requirements are met information as to who is a candidate along with pertinent information will be made available.  It will be the responsibility of Members of Synod to consider the candidates, the Diocesan Profile, and to pray as to which of the candidates would make the best bishop for the Diocese of Rupert’s Land.


The Bishop Search Committee appreciates your prayers for this ongoing process leading to the Electoral Synod on May 31.

