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February 25, 2025

The Bishop Search Committee held its fourth meeting on Monday February 24, 2025. 

The Committee is completing the the phase of gathering data for the Diocesan Profile.  There have been consultations with Diocesan Council, Clergy of the diocese, and Territorial Archdeacons.  We also received over 200 responses to the survey which was posted on the diocesan website.  Committees and ministry groups throughout the diocese were also asked for their input along with St John’s College.  We will be analyzing those responses over the next couple of weeks.

The next phase of work will be to place the results of the various consultations into the Diocesan Profile which will describe the diocese and where we are at in our ministry and our hopes for the future as we look forward to working together with our next bishop.

The Diocesan Profile should be made public on the diocesan website by the end of March and nominations of potential candidates will then be open until April 25, 2025.

The Committee continues to ask for and appreciates your prayers during this time leading to the Electoral Synod May 31, 2025.

If there are any questions they may be addressed to:

The Ven Jim Dugan,

Chair of the Search Committee