January 28, 2025
The Bishop Search Committee held it’s third meeting on Monday January 27, 2025.
The Committee is in the phase of gathering data for the Diocesan Profile.
We finalized materials for parish annual general meetings and determined consultations with clergy of the diocese in the first full week of February.
We reviewed a video describing the process leading to our Electoral Synod in May which has been posted on the diocesan website and available HERE.
The final questions and format for a diocesan wide survey were agreed upon and the survey will be available online. The link to the survey will be on the diocesan website HERE ( and also sent out in clergy and parish mailings. The survey will also be available in a PDF to parishes to be able to print and make available for those who cannot use the online version.
The committee also discussed the framework for a diocesan profile.
We reviewed what has been accomplished so far:
- provided prayer resources
- communicated to parishes re: AGMs
- updated the executive committee
- consulted with Diocesan Council
- developed a video describing the process leading to the Electoral Synod
- developed a framework for the diocesan profile
- dates for clergy consultations
- asked committees for their input
- a survey for the diocese (approved this evening)
- developed a graphic of the process leading to May 31
If there are any questions they may be addressed to:
The Ven Jim Dugan,
Chair of the Search Committee