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The Winnipeg Foundation released a report called Winnipeg Vital Signs 2022.

If you have not yet read it, please see it attached below.

This report identified some key needs in Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Foundation is willing to give interested leadership members of parishes in the Diocese of Rupert's Land a presentation to learn more, dive deeper into the key findings, and talk with your colleagues, friends and family about what the report is telling us so we can come together to decide how best to use our gifts and skills to assist the community around us. 



Winnipeg’s Vital Signs® 2022 (a project of the Winnipeg Foundation) is a snapshot in time of our community; its strengths, gaps, and opportunities for our future.

Winnipeg’s Vital Signs® 2022 is rooted in a framework of wellbeing where all the elements are interconnected. Much like the root system of a tree, there are several factors that keep the tree grounded and the forest thriving.

During the yearlong process of conducting research for Vital Signs® we spoke with people about their lived experiences, collected and interpreted statistics from numerous sources, and surveyed the communities we live in. These conversations and analysis revealed that there is a common element that keeps us grounded and thriving: connectivity.

Connectivity means being connected to people, culture, and community; it is a feeling of belonging, where joy, sorrow, and laughter can all be shared. Being connected to a community is vital to wellbeing. Not being connected to others leads to isolation, loneliness, and unhealthy ways of coping with the daily trials of life.

The isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic distanced us from loved ones, communities, and culture. Coping with loneliness, overwhelmed by family responsibilities, dealing with fears, and managing shortages of necessities created a perfect storm of disconnection.

The beauty that trees in nature and people in communities share is resiliency. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We can come together and re-establish connection by reaching both inwards and out, and offering support to one another.
